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The Young Naturalists is an organization dedicated to connecting youth of Central New York to their local environment through hands-on learning and engaging activities. Programs are designed to excite participants about science and the natural world around them with the hope that they will become future stewards of the earth.




Founded in 2015 by the CNY Chapter of the Izaak Walton League of America, the Young Naturalists started out as a summer program at the Manlius Library where kids got to explore their local watershed. Due to its popularity, the Young Naturalists returned in the summer of 2016 to an even larger crowd. Beginning in Fall 2016, the Young Naturalists began monthly, year-round programs at Manlius Library to continue connecting students to their local environment in all seasons.


During 2017, the Young Naturalists expanded to more libraries throughout Central New York. Our partnerships with Cazenovia Public Library and the Community Library of DeWitt& Jamesville began. Through these partnerships, more children are learning about their local environment through science and fun activities.



In 2018, the Central New York Community Foundation assisted with funding the expansion of the Young Naturalists program into libraries within the city of Syracuse, connecting youth in an urban setting to their local environment. Now, the Young Naturalists have created partnerships with Petit Branch Library and White Branch Library.


Now, more of CNY’s youth are connecting to their local environment and becoming a part of their ecological community. More youth are learning how to care for their environment, and the science behind it through the Young Naturalists Program. As we continue to grow, more Young Naturalists will become a part of a community that cares for the natural resources of Central New York.

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